News-feed Appjobber pt How to ensure a secure password <p><p style="text-align:justify;"> May 2nd is <b>World Password Day</b>. This is a good occasion to make you become aware of the importance of a secure password. Data theft, phishing or targeted hacker attacks are nowadays a frequent topic of discussion in the media. The huge data theft of January 2019, in which millions of passwords were distributed worldwide, is perhaps still on your mind.<br> In order to protect your own user accounts, it is therefore important to take this matter seriously instead of hoping that it will not affect you. So here are a few important tips to help you protect your appJobber user account - and of course your hard-earned money. <br><br> <div style="text-align:center;"> <img src=""style="width:100%;max-width:850px" height="auto" margin-left="auto" margin-right="auto" alt=""> <figcaption><small>Protect your user accounts from unauthorized access! - Foto: <a href=''>JanBaby</a>, <a href=''>Pixabay, CC0</a></small></figcaption> </div> <br></br> </p></p><p><p style="text-align:justify;"> <br></br> <b>password, 123456 or qwert – you've got a bad hand with passwords like these.</b> <br><br> These are at the top of the hit list of particularly frequent IT security deficiencies. Hackers have an easy game with passwords like these and can empty your account in a flash or order expensive items at your expense. But even a more complicated password has its pitfalls - if the same password is used for different accounts. If this password falls into the hands of hackers and appears somewhere on the Internet, as with the password leak in January 2019, then all your accounts with the same access data are in danger. <br><br></p> <p><b>Please consider the following rules:</b> <br> <br></p> <ol> <li>Use different passwords for different user accounts.</li> <br> <li>Mix upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters. For example, choose a phrase where you only use certain letters and characters.</li> <br> <li>Change your password regularly.</li> <br> <li>The more characters the better. Recommendation: Use the maximum number of characters available to you.</li> <br> <li>Do not give your password to anyone - not even to your partner.</li> </ol> <p><br></br> So, it's best to immediately check all your passwords and change them according to these recommendations. By doing so, you don't have to worry about your user accounts anymore!</p> Tue, 30 Apr 2019 08:37:19 +0000 May we present? Our brand new badges <p><p style="text-align:justify;"> We proudly present you: <b>our brand-new badges</b>! <br><br> <div style="text-align:center;"> <img src=""style="width:100%;max-width:850px" height="auto" margin-left="auto" margin-right="auto" alt=""> <figcaption><small>Curious about our badges?</small></figcaption> </div> <br></br> </p></p><p><p style="text-align:justify;"> <br></br> Completing jobs has never been more fun. Because now you can not only earn money completing jobs but also collect badges. A certain job combination, a certain number of completed jobs or a certain number of jobs in a specific category... Be surprised and discover which badge you can snatch. And how about a Badge Battle with your friends or a joint Badge Hunt?<br><br> Here's a taste of the badges we have in stock for you:<br> - Penny saver<br> - Rising star<br> - Night runner<br> - Gold Digger<br> - Secret Agent<br> These and many, many more badges are waiting for you. So keep on working hard and search for the next great badge. <br><br> To make sure you don't miss a badge, we'll send you an email when you've earned a new badge (of course you must have allowed us to send you emails for that). To keep an eye on your badges, the App menu now has its own section for your conquests only. Go take a look and see which badges you have already earned! All the colourful badges are already part of your trophy collection. What about the rest? The blurred badges are just waiting for you to get them with new jobs. So let's get going! <br><br> We wish you a lot of fun with our new feature and continued success with your jobs! <br><br> PS: For the very curious people amongst you: On our Facebook page and on Instagram we will present you some of our badges every now and then in the coming weeks. Follow us there and don't miss any news ;)</p> Fri, 29 Mar 2019 12:12:33 +0000 Store-Checks all over Europe <p><p style="text-align:justify;"> Have you seen our store checks yet?<br><br> They are available for you all over Europe and are just waiting to be done by you. These <b>easy scouting jobs</b> can be fulfilled in just a few minutes. So, have a closer look! <br><br> <div style="text-align:center;"> <img src=""style="width:100%;max-width:850px" height="auto" margin-left="auto" margin-right="auto" alt=""> <figcaption><small>Our scouting jobs will bring you good money in minutes!</small></figcaption> </div> <br></br> </p></p><p><p style="text-align:justify;"> Our new Store Checks are quite easy. Go to a store of your choice of a specific market chain and take overview pictures of the mentioned departments. Best of all: You can decide which branch of that chain you visit. The jobs can thus be comfortably integrated into your everyday life and your routes. Doesn't sound that great? Besides that: In the detailed job help you will find many important hints to get the job done successfully. <br><br> So now you probably want to know in which countries you can find these jobs? Here's a list of all countries <br><br> <b>Albania, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland</b> and <b>Ukraine</b>. <br><br> So, what are you waiting for? Take a look at the app, maybe there are some jobs nearby! <br><br> <b>And don't forget</b>: You can't find these scouting jobs on the map but in the <b>scouting job section</b>!</p> Thu, 07 Mar 2019 15:17:59 +0000 What are retail executions, and why we keep an eye on them <p><p style="text-align:justify;"> appJobber has developed to become one of the preferred tools for manufacturers to understand the possibilities and actual data of their retail execution. So we will today try to understand what is so important about this managing strategy for the sell-out. <br></br> <div style="text-align:center;"> <img src="" width="60%" height="auto" margin-left="auto" margin-right="auto" alt="Displaying products in the point of sales"> <figcaption><small>Displaying products at the point of sales</small></figcaption> </div> <br></br> <b>What is Retail Execution?</b><br> Retail execution is understood as the execution of sales strategy at the point of sale. The aim of Retail execution is basically to have the right products in stock, at the right place, at the right time, with the perfect price. </p></p><p style="text-align:justify;"> These activities include promotional activities, retail audits and proof-of-performance information. Most manufacturers of consumer goods have little or no control over how their products are displayed in retail stores, this has a considerable impact on the saleability of their products. It is difficult and costly to achieve consistency in thousands of stores without being present. <br></br> <b>How to collect data in retail stores today</b><br> Mobile technology is opening new avenues, now it is possible to get a clear view of in-store activities through a mobile workforce. Outsourcing the data collection to a crowdworking plattform like appJobber, manufacturers can reach any point of sale within a couple of days without deploying its own staff. <br></br> This kind of activities can be performed by appJobber users on site: <li>out-of-stock, out-of-shelf situations</li> <li>check trade promotions </li> <li>document facing and pricing </li> <li>Surveys and Audits in Store</li><br></br> Data collection in retail stores, reporting and data follow up are now, with mobile technology, more accessible and cost-efficient than ever before. The benefits are clear as companies can achieve faster and better retail execution and are able to place their product to the right place at the right time. <br></br> As Dr. Jonathan Golovin in an article on CGT once said: “Retail Execution is not a typical business process reengineering program requiring re-organization or capital expenditures. It is a way to leverage new visibility into retail operations to help CPG companies maximize the productivity of their existing resources and systems -- with a tangible ROI and immediate payback. Its implementation often involves the use of operational retailer data to drive collaborative business processes which leverage the CPG's insights to drive action at retail. “ (CGT, 2009, “VANTAGE POINT: The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Retail Execution for CPG Companies, <a href="">Link</a>) </p> Tue, 13 Dec 2016 12:26:39 +0000 From A Like Albanien, to U Like United Kingdom: The new International Store-Check Alphabet with appJobber <p><p style="text-align:justify;"> appJobber has always been active internationally, first in German-speaking countries, then in Italy, France, UK and Portugal, now - with a new awesome project – we are expanding our jobs in a further 25 European countries. Just in time for holidays our jobber now have the chance to do over 1000 jobs abroad. <br></br> <div style="text-align:center;"> <img src="" width="60%" height="auto" margin-left="auto" margin-right="auto" alt="Öffnungszeiten per App erfassen"> </div> <br></br></p><p><p style="text-align:justify;"> Travel enthusiasts, exchange students, visitors and residence will find Scouting Jobs in 35 countries, to complete the task they'll have to seek out the requested supermarket or drug store and take some photos from the inside and outside of the store. <b>The best thing: it is up to the jobbers in which city and in which branch they want to do the job.</b> <br></br></p> <p><b>Where can you do the Jobs?</b> <br> The international store-check can be done in over 1000 supermarket and drug store in the following 35 European countries: <br></p> <div style="text-align:center;"> <img src="" width="60%" height="auto" margin-left="auto" margin-right="auto" alt="Liste der Länder"> </div> <p><br></br></p> <p style="text-align:justify;"> There is something for every taste and almost every travel destination. When you consider that since May 2016, the roaming fees abroad have been lowered due to an EU directive (<a href=>read here</a>) Your Almost simply spoiled for choice. <br></br> <b>How Does it Work?</b> <br> Travelers will find the search job “Storecheck” in the app on the top right corner in all the countries listed above. The job description will tell you which drugstore or supermarket chain needs to be photographed. Now the jobbers can visit a branch of their choice in this chain and complete the required tasks. The completed job can then immediately, or later in the hotel or Internet café, be uploaded. But note: per chain there is only one job, its first come first serve! <br></br> A Irma branch in Denmark, a Rimi store in Estonia, a Mattöpet branch in Sweden or at a Dia store in Spain? <b>Who will the Globetrotter be who does the most store checks in the most countries this summer?</b> </p> Wed, 27 Jul 2016 10:46:17 +0000 As novas dicas para rotas:Descobrir Lausana com AppJobber <p>Um jobber escreveu o seguinte sobre nós: „um modo simples de descobrir lugares pertos e ainda ganhar um pouco de dinheiro“. Neste sentido, Appjobber é mais do que um instrumento útil para ganhar um pouco de dinheiro. <b>Appjobbertambém te oferece a possibilidade de conhecer a cidade em que vivemos de um jeito um pouco diferente</b>, dar novos destinos aos nossos passeios descobrir novos lugares e fazer novos amigos no caminho... <br></br> <div style="text-align: center;"> <img width="60%" src=""> </div> <br></br> Queremos mostrar o mundo Appjobber desta perspectiva e regularmente apresentar uma nova, magnífica cidade ou região europeia, onde as nossas tarefas podem acompanhar aventureiros numa pequena viagem cheia de descobertas.</p><div align="center"> <h1>Lausana</h1> <h4>- tão pequena e tão jobaliciosa -</h4> </div> <p><br><img width="100%" src=""/></br> <small>Fotos: CC-BY-SA-2.0 v.l.n.r. <a href="">Christina Mehlführer/wikimedia</a>, <a href="">Grolimur/Flickr</a>, <a href="">Kosala Bandara/Flickr</a>, <a href="">Arnaud Gaillard/wikimedia</a>, <a href="">Nouhailler/Flickr</a></small> <br></br></p> <p>A menor das cidades suíças é um lugar encantador, cheio de charme e um toque francês. Com 7 tarefas no redor de um só quilómetro, Lausana esta entre as Top 5 cidades Appjobber na Suíça. Situada no lago lemano com vista aos Alpes esta cidade se oferece como um ótimo destino para passar umas pequenas e relaxantes férias. Há algumas coisas que tem que ser feitas quando se visita a cidade. Uma delas é vivenciar a majestosa vista aos Alpes e o Lago de Genebra desde a torre da catedral de Lausana. Descendo da torre, é necessário dar uma paradinha no <b>Café La Barbare</b> e experimentar o famoso e delicioso <b>Chocolate quente</b>! O agradável café encontra-se nos Escaliers du Marché, pertinho da catedral e oferece uma visão sobre toda a cidade medieval. Enquanto degustamos o delicioso chocolate podemos inscrever-nos como participantes de uma sondagem e ganhar os primeiros 4,50 CHF.</p> <p>Depois de um belo passeio pelas ruelas do bairro antigo e a verificação de dois cruzamentos, ja esta chegando a hora do almoço. Será que encontramos um restaurante recem inaugurado? Por 2 CHF podemos dar parte no Appjobber e talvez por este caminho conhecer algumas especialidades da cozinha de Lausanne.</p> <div style="float:right;width:270px;margin:10px"> <img style="float:right;width:250px;margin:10px" src=""> <small>AppJobber-Jobs in Lausana</small> </div> <p>Com os francos suíços ganhos pelo restaurante recem-inaugurado podemos alugar uma <b>bicicleta na estação ferroviária pelo preço de 2 CHF</b> e usá-la para verificar sinais de trafego por 1,20 CHF (existem mais de 40 tarefas deste tipo no centro de Lausana). Para os mais aventureiros recomendamos uma excursão pela cidade e os vinhedos de Lavaux com qual ja podemos nos preparar para a Tour de Romandie, a corrida de bicicletas que acontece nesta região do dia 29 de abril ao dia 5 de maio.</p> <p>Pelo mais bonito que Lausana seja, ninguem vai querer dormir em frente do Museu Olímpico, e por isso aqui vão algumas <b>dicas para um orçamento menor</b>: No Hostel 'Lausanne Guesthouse' podem ficar com uma cama no dormitório por 35 Euros p.P., para todos que não gostam desta cultura de Hostel e mochileiro o amável Hotel le Raisin a 70 Euros p.P. É uma ótima alternativa.</p> <p>Um passeio nocturno, antes de dormir não só pode inspirar os sonhos, senão também oferece outra oportunidade de ganhar um pouco de dinheiro, tirando fotos deanúncios luminosos defeituosos, pagando 4 CHF cada um pelo Appjobber.</p> <p>Um <b>ponto a favor</b> a redação Appjobber da a Lausana pelo <a href="">wifi grátis</a> que a cidade oferece no centro da cidade e em Ouchy, no porto! Estas são as melhores condições para ter um passeio cheio de tarefas Appjobber!</p> Tue, 18 Mar 2014 10:46:09 +0000 Os Top-Spots em Portugal <p>Hoje a gente se perguntou, onde será que há o maior número de tarefas na amplitude de 1 quilómetro? Com esta pergunta na cabeça criamos uma lista com as 10 cidades em Portugal, que oferecem o maior número de tarefas dentro de poucos metros. <br/><br/> De uma olhada se a tua cidade também se encontra! <br/><br/> <img width="65%" style="float:right;margin:5px" src=""> <ol> <li>Ao redor da Rua Adelino Amaro da Costa, em <b>Peniche</b>, há <b> 256 tarefas</b> disponíveis</li> <li>Ao redor da Rua Doutor José Falcão 76, em <b>Ovar</b>, há <b> 122 tarefas</b> disponíveis</li> <li>Ao redor da Rua do Progresso 3230, em <b>Quinta do Anjo</b>, há <b> 93 tarefas</b> disponíveis</li></p><p><li>Ao redor da Rua do Meio Largo, em <b>Trancoso</b>, há <b> 83 tarefas</b> disponíveis</li> <li>Ao redor da Rua Doutor Manuel Pedrosa 21, em <b>Atouguia da Baleia</b>, há <b> 79 tarefas</b> disponíveis</li> <li>Ao redor da Calçada da Cachorrela 85, em <b>Alpendurada e Matos</b>, há <b> 73 tarefas</b> disponíveis</li> <li>Ao redor da Rua Fonte da Madria 321, em <b>São João</b>, há <b> 69 tarefas</b> disponíveis</li> <li>Ao redor da Rua José Alves Leite 18, em <b>Amares</b>, há <b> 65 tarefas</b> disponíveis</li> <li>Ao redor da Alameda Dom Manuel I 4, em <b>Vila Nova de Foz Côa</b>, há <b> 53 tarefas</b> disponíveis</li> <li>Ao redor da Rua Dona Maria Il 78, em <b>Cacém</b>, há <b> 53 tarefas</b> disponíveis</li> </ol></p> Thu, 27 Feb 2014 09:14:07 +0000 Bem-Vindos ao Appjobber - milhares de tarefas estão esperando por ti! <p>Finalmente chegamos a Portugal! Bem-Vindo a todos os utilizadores do Appjobber em Portugal. Agora vocês tem a possibilidade de realizar mini-tarefas com o telemóvel e ganhar uns Euros extras, que pagam uma bica, um pastelzinho ou a cervejinha no Bar! Milhares de tarefas estão esperando por ser feitas na nossa plataforma e mais estão a chegar! Se ainda não o fizestes, baixe a aplicação agora mesmo e registe-se no Appjobber! <img width="100%" src=""/><br/> <figcaption> <small>Photo: <a href=''>CC-BY-2.0 </a>, <a href=''>Flickr, Steven Depolo: Start Starting Line Americorps Cinema Service Night Wilcox Park May 20, 20117</a></small> </figcaption> </div></p><p><br><br> A aplicação está disponível em português através do <a href=";hl=pt">Google Play</a> e do <a href="">iTunes</a></p> Wed, 29 Jan 2014 12:33:59 +0000