Secondary Placements
The Perfect Way to Stand Out
You have placed your promotional display at the point of sale, and now you need data on the placement quota and the condition of your secondary placement? appJobber checks the availability, correct set-up and condition of your display. Your success metrics are based on real data from all over Europe.
Well Placed?
We’ll Show You
We Check
the type,
and position
of your secondary placement
We Analyse
and provide data for your success
Promotional Displays
Boost Product Visibility
In addition to the physical distance from the competition, a promotional display offers visual design options that cannot be realised in the usual shelf space, thus giving your product a significant boost and an uplift in sales!
But new possibilities also raise new questions:
- Is my secondary placement set up in all participating stores?
- Where is my display located in the area?
- Is my display set up correctly and completely?
- Are displays in individual stores dirty or damaged?
- Is my display available for the entire campaign duration?
- Are my raffle tickets, coupons or flyers properly attached?
- Is my display actually stocked with my product – or with competing products?
- Are my products being sold successfully?
appJobber answers these questions for you - through representative surveys in retail with photo evidence.
Is Your Display Set Up?
We’ll Check for You!
Our Jobbers
Check Your Display
The success of promotions in retail stands and falls with the implementation by the respective store. A review by your own sales force inevitably leads to difficulties in terms of coverage, time, costs and representativity.
In contrast, you can rely on appJobber and thousands of consumers to systematically, quickly and inexpensively monitor the implementation of your sales promotion activities in stores. The app's users are available throughout Europe to carry out the required checks. If desired, thousands of stores can be visited within a few days.
Our jobbers document additional product placements, but also raffle promotions, shelf wobblers, flyers and coupons in the stores. They record where the materials are placed, whether they are complete and what condition they are in. If promotions are not set up in the store, this is also documented with photographic evidence of the relevant store areas.
Let’s Deliver – Together!
Quick Project Start
Once commissioned, the appJobber experts create the jobs for the crowdworkers within a few days according to your briefing. This ensures that even time-critical surveys are started and completed within the campaign period.
Representative Sampling
With over one million active users, appJobber ensures that the data collected is statistically significant. appJobber can also cover rural areas and smaller retail chains.
Customised Reporting
appJobber collects precisely the data you need. We discuss your specific goals in advance and design both the survey and the analysis in such a way that you can control your activities at the point of sale in the best possible manner.
Real-Time Dashboard
Part of our collaboration is always your free access to the appJobber dashboard. Here you can follow the data collection in the field in real time, analyse it visually and react immediately.
Quality Analysis Made in Germany
Our in-house analysts evaluate all collected data according to consistent standards. We check the quality, plausibility and geographical veracity of results at our headquarters in Germany – compliant with the GDPR.
Value for Money
With appJobber, you pay per store visit. Depending on the task, the desired data can be collected at a low cost - significantly below the personnel costs for your own sales force.
We’ll Check Your Secondary Placement!
Every project has its own requirements and special characteristics. We are happy to discuss your requirements with you and draw up an offer that exactly matches your needs. We look forward to getting to know you and your company!